Over break, I was thankfully able to come back to so many friends and a loving church and a family. God left it up to me to decided whether my progress here was all for not-the words I write about in my blogs and live out in Nicaragua, did they actually carry any weight in my life? Can prayers that I so vigilantly pray for come true in my homeland, where I used to struggle so much to live out my faith in Christianity? I don’t want to single out readers in my blog as far as those that I strove to minister to but it was such a joy to do so and I know that God changed me because each time I was told, “Joe, I am so proud that you are so sure of your faith and you live it out.” I am so thankful that God gave me the wisdom to pray that I would stay strong in my faith and minister to my friends. It was hard, though, and some of my friends didn’t hear my honest account of my beliefs but I am not going to beat myself up over this because I am not one to force my beliefs onto people. Anyway, so I have an aaawesome God story in store for you!
On Tue, 1/13/09, jay burkhart <[email protected]> wrote:
From: jay burkhart <[email protected]>
Subject: can not find directions
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Date: Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 10:24 AM
i think that you are the two people i met on Monday here in granada. if this is correct please contact me and let me know where this get togther is and when thank you for your time jay |
We met with him today, and through God using Mario, our translator, and his commonality of struggles with sin and going certain weeks with no food, we were able to get through to Patrick! Well, tomorrow Patrick will be attending this “Get Together” as he put it, at church amongst all of my Christian friends from Granada and my team. Now, every person that I have introduced to Patrick so far to that has asked how Patrick is doing, he has replied:
“Well, I’ve been better”
Please, pray with me that God will CHANGE THIS LINE IN PATRICKS LIFE! That he will say great someday, knowing that he is living out his purpose in life and has a sealed eternity!
I will keep everyone filled in. So you get a picture of Patrick when you pray for him, he’s 41 with two tattoo sleeves down his arms and he has glasses with a great smile and laugh.
That has been my ministry choice so far, listen to God’s voice where ever. I have had many visions of ministries and pray that God will bloom each one of them. Firstly, I have had a vision to go into local Barios (communities that are very poor and jammed packed with kids looking for something to do) and start up any game with them they want to play. I will bring water balloons some days and soccer jerseys other days; only after going door-to-door to talk to all the parents about who we are, Christian Missionaries, and what we are going to be doing. After games, Laura brought a Spanish children’s Bible that is full of pictures and Bible stories so we will read a story to the kids each day and then explain these wonderful stories and what God does with people’s lives. Also, there is a group called Young Life (Vida Jovan), which is a youth group that gets around 40-50 kids each time from Granada, and I will hopefully be working to organize and lead activities much like the “clap game” I taught those of you reading from PCBC. Another ministry I am praying about is one that helps kids around Granada with special needs. This is an amazing program and I am sure I will be writing a blog about it soon. This is where I am at so far with ministries and I am continuing to have visions of where God wants my life, pray that they continue!
Well, Psalm 31 is a beautiful chapter, please read it now. It has many great things in it and I am trying to memorize verses 1-8 and I encourage you to do the same. Mrs. Marshall, know that like Psalm 31 says, he is your rock of refuge, especially in tough times. Keyhoes, I am praying that God increase the love that is there in your marriage (which can always grow) and praying for excitement and opportunities for ministry back home. Mr. Kestler, I’m not sure how to spell your name but I thank you for your advice on teaching, I am also praying that God teaches you, and am praying through the prospect of studying to be a teacher. Roods, I am praying that God make the provisions and prepare reader’s hearts that are reading his College applications and that he not become a high school dropout and fall into an addiction to the quest to find the smodem. Please pray that God will give me the time and energy to write my College essays this week and be able to still focus on my ministry here. A lot of people on our team are having a tough time with not fearing next year but so many cool things are happening that it is beginning to not matter. Well, I hope the Pistons go to the finals and beat the Lakers 4-0; this would make my trip to Granada worth it, ha.
Oh Joe,
I just really like you. You have encouraged me with your story and your never-ending optimism. My prayer is that you live to the fullest to bring God the Glory.
Love, mom
Oh Joe, you write loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong blogs you know that! Eish! Ah well. I love ’em. I love hearing what is going on in the lives of granadians, and the team…. and YOU! I get so excited to see what God is going to do in your life. He has HUGE plans. Love you dude. James
ps… nice pic you poser.
Jose! Sign me under your mom’s post. I just really like you, too! I got to thinking that in reading back through all of your blog posts it seems to “sugar out” (a touch of Vermont there) to ‘HE is able.’ Along with Phil. 1:6 “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Thanks for being open to how God wants to use you for His service. Pastor Nathan presented an awesome sermon today that really got me to reflecting on how I serve God and His church.
There were many take-away messages this morning (check out the podcast!) the chief among them, in my view, that we take the time to pray and reflect upon how we can best serve individually. Also, that there are no proxies among us. As you do His work in Nicaragua ah ah ah and others set out into other mission fields, what are we, then, doing here in Vermont for evangelism?
Into your hands I commit my spirit; redeem me, O LORD, the God of truth. Ps 31:5. This verse takes me to the cross and is such a strengthening and emboldening passage. Praise Jesus Christ for his outstretch arms! For His empty tomb! For rescuing me from certain eternal suffering! And I thank you for reminding us by your service and your words about the saving importance of keeping alive that sense of urgency that the Gospel need be shared.