Do you know what my favorite thing to do is? Have faith in people when they don’t have faith in themselves. Maybe that is why I love running with people so much. Maybe it’s because I am so familiar with the voice in my head that says, “No, don’t do that, you can’t do it, you aren’t strong enough, God wont forgive you for…that.” There’s a freshman guy on my floor that is there because of God’s will. We have developed a strong friendship. I, being a bit older than him and just coming off a year of having Seth Barnes and Jamie O’shea and college teammates pour their lives into me, have taken our friendship as an opportunity to keep the water flowing in his direction. Currently, he is away at an evangelical conference that he chose to go to a couple of hours away with people from his class. Earlier he was a bit worried whether people from his class would want to go. It was an honor to say, “This is a great idea, awesome, present it in the right way and they’ll def. go.”
I also think of that 8-9 mile run that I took Nate Merrill on over Christmas break. Towards the end of it, I was smelling blood-the deep animal instincts were pushing me to have a kick. There is something in our competitive nature when running with someone that says “Kill it, kill them!” “Or, “They are too strong, they are going to destroy you!” I could tell that Nate was tired based on his hard breathing, but another voice in my head gave me the desire to see how far and how fast Nate could be pushed. I have seen Nate’s innate drive before over the 8ish years I have been his best friend and it took a little encouragement, but we both finished like men.
I think of God and how well he knows us who follow him. “The Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them-the Lord, who remains faithful forever. He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. The Lord sets prisoners free, the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down, the Lord loves the righteous.” “He spreads the snow like wool and scatters the frost like ashes. He hurls down his hail like pebbles. Who can withstand his icy blast? He sends his word and melts them; he stirs up his breezes, and the waters flow.” Psalm 147: 15-18
You could read my blog and follow my words and go out and act on them and say, “Joe, I trusted in what you said to the end, I loved your blogs and encouragement,” and these actions could mean nothing at the throne of judgment without a proper relationship with Jesus Christ. “Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save…they return to the ground…their plans come to nothing. Bessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God.” (Psalm 146: 3-5).

Bill O’Neil, I expect to see at least one interview on ESPN with you and Peyton today, or at least hear the recording on your techno logical machine ary. Someone should throw a party at Marelene Bedards house today; she knows more about sports than my father knows about 1Corinthians. The Saints kinda make me sick but I would like to see the Colts go down. Anybody else with me? Well I hope you have a great superbowl, eat chowder, chips, Oreos, the whole shebang.
Love Joe Carter
Hey Joe, good to hear you are still running and still encouraging those whom God puts in your path. Good for you. Once its in your blood, it will always be there. Keep nourishing that. I miss the college kids at church, you all make such a lasting impression on those of us who are older and need encouragement.
pastor is teaching on Unity of the Body and I feel like we are a church of unity. That there may be a few once in a while who ‘doesn’t get it’ but as a whole we are one in Christ. You would have been pleased with Kelsey as he spoke last week on his upcoming mission trip, with the Victory Baptist Church. Wish it was with our Church, but how wonderful that we are of one mind.
I will miss my Bob today at superbowl time, but he is better occupied, worshiping the Lord Jesus in Heaven!!!!Awesome !! Have a good week my boy. love to you.
I am so proud of you, Joe! What an awesome, passionate man of God you’re continuing to become. It’s such an incredible privilege to have had that season with you here in Nica. Keep on challenging, encouraging, spurring on and loving! You are an inspiration to me.
Dude man! Way to go! So happy to hear that God is doing great works in your life! I’m so amazed at what He is doing in you. So proud of you bro. It’s great to see that you are investing your time and energy into. Carry the torch dude, and spread the fire of discipleship.
Love you bro man,
PS Shirtless hugs are awesome!
The world needs more encouragers! It is amazing how far we can go if someone walks beside us and says, Go! Go! Go! Certainly our loving creator knew we needed each other. And the call for more faith is a good reminder that we are never alone-that God will finish the work in us and that He will increase our faith when we ask for it.