Good day to you who are reading, I hope you are doing faaaantastic. Are you learning anything these days about life? If so, definitely write it down. Jesus has taught me a lot the past few days and I decided the other day to write my thoughts down. I have been debating whether or not to post these thoughts on a blog or not. These thoughts were not intended for anyone to read but the whole time I was writing I felt that other people should read so here it is, Joe Carter’s Official Journal Entry Two Thousand Double O Nine.
Saved by God’s Grace
It is by the grace of Jesus that I am writing what I have learned down. Where is my wisdom without the word of God? How subtle darkness is in life. I write this note to myself with thanksgiving to my savior who does not let me fall off the edge or into the traps the enemy makes, using my own funding for each snare. I write four years after an event that changed the course of my life and see it as a foreshadowing into the spiritual journey I see taking form.
Last Monday (3/23/09), I saw a vision in the Nicaraguan HOP that led Seth Barnes Jr. to speak in tongues and receive a revelation from God for me. He said that, “God seeks to make all things new,” which I remember him repeating, and also, “God will heal you and it will be a testimony to many people.” I jumped to a conclusion that it was for my Barrio ministry because I had been praying for the last hour needing direction from God about whether or not we should go through with our plan to teach the kids about healing or not. Seth then assured me that he felt God’s words were for my life. I, even now, take these words to heart and that night I began anticipating the ways I could get hurt the next day-the worst was tearing my knee. I wanted to see more visions, my heart was incredibly excited and then I demanded I see more for the sake of my faith and those I am ministering to.
For the first time I began to speak in tongues-initially laughing because I accidentally snuck some Spanish words in there. Next, I prayed for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and asked for the gift of speaking in tongues. It happened and as I spoke my voice drained out and words from Jesus resonated in my mind. “Don’t be hasty my Son. Don’t be hasty, my Son, my Son.” As I repeated phrases these words miraculously spoke to my heart. I wanted so bad to get direction from God about my VBS ministry right in the moment; these words served to put me in check and trust God that a plan will come. Seth had already left and because he said he thought God wanted to speak to me through a dream I decided it was time to head to bed. I slept with a headlamp, pen, and paper at my bedside, earnestly awaiting a prophetic dream from Jesus. Though I woke up several times praying, the morning came and I could not remember any visions.
The day before God had put three distinct stories on my heart: first, the story of Laserath, then Zacheas and then the Parable of the Lost Sheep. Trying to not be hasty, I decided to teach the Parable, focusing on the foundation of Christianity: love. God gave me a very concise schedule for VBS and everything flowed together during the ministry that morning. I was able to finish by teaching, “The Great Commission,” to the kids; I linked God’s love for us, the lost sheep, to the command to love God and then asked, “Who loves themselves?” After we encouraged all the kids to raise their hands, I sent them out with the command from the Bible: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” I asked them to have stories ready for the next VBS. It was our best VBS yet.
Life was going very well and I was feeling pretty good about myself and the ways God was using me in the 5k-race. One of my leaders even wrote a blog about me, which was very encouraging. The whole community here was showing their love to me-on a walk to the Internet I talked to about fifteen Nicaraguans. Then I forgot my Bible at Corazon Contento (the special needs center) and decided that I could use some time anyway to allow what I had been learning about to sink in so I casually asked a teammate to pick it up who later forgot. Then I received an e-mail from my parents saying I got a $2500-4000 scholarship to run for Cedarville and I even got my first love letter from a Nicaraguan girl in my ESL class, ha. Things were great and was feeling very confident in where I was at with my faith and pretty popular. I was slowly led into this security. Though it is good to feel secure, pride was slithering in.
Four years ago I found out I needed surgery on my leg and I was going to have to spend my sophomore winter recovering. I was angry at God but recovered remarkably quick and by the spring I had the number one seed for the mile at states (though I was beaten by two seniors on the last lap). I see a parallel of this event to my life right now as I write with one hand. As a sophomore in high school I had fallen asleep in my faith until God woke me up and as I read the other day in, “The Final Quest,” “Take heed when you think you stand, lest you fall;” God woke me up as I dangerously walked towards the edge so many have fallen off due to pride. A God that truly loves me loved me enough to see my physical body hurt to save my spiritual being. So instead of taking a spiritual fall, which really matters in life, yesterday my body launched itself in the air as I kicked the air and not the soccer ball, and I reached backwards to catch my fall, which fractured my wrist.
I have grown tremendously already going through the frustrations of having every task I do take forever and having to ask my teammates for help washing dishes or doing trivial tasks. All my life I have felt pretty invincible and my reputation sent daggers in my way as a teammate commented, “I can’t believe it, the great Joe Carter is broken.” It has been one thing to be broken mentally, but physically it has been a challenge. However, I write with victory in mind as I just had an awesome experience where instead of thinking of all the terrible things that have resulted from my broken wrist, I decided to praise God for all the good things in my life. After ten minutes I realized my God really does care about me and wants me to grow. My thoughts are excitedly drawn to the prophetic words Seth said in the prayer house that I would be healed and it would touch many lives. He prophesied it, four days later I broke my wrist and on Monday we are going to teach our VBS, as planned three weeks ago, on the story of the healing/raising of the dead of Laserath.
Isaiah 42:6-9 “I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open the eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeons those who sit in darkness. “I am the lord; that is my name! I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols. See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.”
Okay, so really deep, intense, new, touchy things right? Remember that the Bible says we should seek spiritual gifts and I am trying to as I strive to reach fullness in Christ. It feels like all my friends back home and my Grandmother would call me crazy for writing these things or feeling this way-but I say go big or go home. If I am going to try and really live the Christian life, why hold anything back? Why not act wholeheartedly on what I am learning while I am living with a team of likeminded supporters? So I am supposed to be “casted” for four weeks-No RUNNING. GAAA, pray that God give me the perseverance to grow through this trial in my life. Please, write down any thoughts you have about what I have written because I know that a bulk of what I am learning is an uncomfortable subject for a lot of people-myself included. Thanks for reading today, pray I will be healed, and I will continue to give thanks for my supporters!

Hey Joe,
Love reading your blogs. They make me think, and wake up some of my passions. God is able, but I think I often disable His power by being afraid, and lazy.
I’m also writing to urge you to think about serving at Baptist Youth Camp this summer. I know Adrian would love your passion and excitement to see others come to Christ. I am always trying to get kids to go there (and do) and want the absolute best kinds of counselors – believers – to work with them. You could be one of those counselors. Please pray about it. Camp starts the last week of June and goes through July. (Soul fest is the extra week on the end.) Get your bros to go too! Serve together!
Love you much – and pray for you often,
Aunt Donna
Never be worried about putting yourself out there for God. It’s so much better to make mistakes in pursuit of God than to not pursue God at all. It’s great to see how God is working in your life and it’s very motivating to any of us that get a chance to read your blog. You’re reminding me that God wants us to step out on faith and that it’s impossible to please him any other way.
Sorry to hear about your arm. We’ll be praying for good healing.
Mr. Rood.
Joe, my special friend, ‘down the hill Grandson’, brother in Christ. My heart sings with joy at all that you are learning. Don’t be afraid. If a son asks for bread is the father going to give him a stone. That may not be a direct quote, but that is what is happening to you, I believe. You are asking for bread and He is giving it to you. He has SO MUCH MORE FOR US THAN WE CAN IMAGINE!!! Many Christians in the U.S., especially the northeast are inhibited and have no passion for the finer things that God has for us. Many are fearful of scorn and ridicule. Remember that Jesus was ridiculed.
I, too, have been given the gift of speaking in tonguies. I have heard directly from God with a teaching that I keep to myself. You are giving me the courage to speak out about that. Seek ye first the Kingdon of God and all these things will be given unto you. Just remember your mission, to seek the Kingdon of God. Then you can give to others as you have received.
Sorry about your wrist. You know God could have put angle feathers under you so you would not have been hurt. HE chose to let you be humbled a little and to let others see that you are no more than they are. God loves us all and will do as He pleases with us, we are his creation. Keep on learning Joe and don’t hide your light under a bushel nor should you hide the gifts He gives you under the gift wrap. Untie them all and light up the world. I love you and the courage that you are receiving. Remember how fast your “holy” leg bones healed, your wrist will heal fast and well, too. Keep in the Word. Keep sharing God’s gifts….God bless your every endeavor, even as you keep your eyes on Him, the Holy One. I love you my boy…Love, up the hill Grandmother. ( I’m too old to be your up the hill mother, darn it)
“Go big or go home!” oh man, that’s what I’m talking about! That the way i’ve always thought we should approach serving Christ, and i am so happy to hear you say that! You’re on to something good!
It’s also really encouraging to hear about the fulfilled prophecy! I’ve been really discouraged lately about having trouble seeing God really work in lives today. I’ve been sharing the Gospel with a lot of kids that just don’t want to hear it, and other kids who have pretty extensive explanations for why they believe that the world functions without God. It’s been hard for me to stay strong. You don’t know even how much this story has helped me!
Also, I am so thrilled that you received the gift of speaking in tongues! I’ve often prayed for this gift, but God hasn’t given it to me. This also has stretched my faith (which of course is good in the end). I can’t even explain how happy I am for you!
btw, I joined track. I’m runnin the 100, throwin the jav, and hopefully vaultin with the pole. It’s…really hard for me. I can run about half as fast as everyone else, and I cant really even keep up with the warm-ups. But I’m definitely not givin up. Pray that i can start to see some progress.
Praying for your quick healin.
Hey Joe-Son,
It’s been a while since I’ve commented on your blogs because, well, you were trying to call me out a few times and I really didn’t want to make you look bad in front of all your AIM teammates and the whole living world. By the way, your MaryKay makeup order arrived- the case of tangerine lip gloss and the “White As A Ghost” foundation you always like. I’ll bring it when I visit later this month.
It sure sounds like amazing things are happening to you way up in Nicaragua. Sometimes God has to bring us to our knees through tough experiences to get our attention, then He can do wonders with us! I remember those scary days when you were a sophomore. The worst was wheeling you down the long winding hallway to the operating room at Mass General. I was praying that God would spare your life! You can now see He has plans for you much bigger than any cross country or track race!
As I read through your blog above, I want to tie together a couple of things you said, because I think they’re really important, especially as you seem to be experiecing some new things. First, you said this “Where is my wisdom without the word of God? How subtle darkness is in life.” This is one of the most important things to keep in mind. Everything must be tested by the Word of God. Everything. When we do “what is right in our eyes”, we often make mistakes. And we know how subtle Satan, the prince of darkness can be, often mixing a little error with truth. And Satan constantly appeals to our pride- look at what he told Eve in the garden (you will be as Gods) and how he tempted Jesus in the wilderness (Matthew chap 4). You touched on that to when you wrote “Take heed when you think you stand, lest you fall”. I have to tell you, that some of the things you’re experiencing can lead directly to spiritual pride- signs, revelations, dreams, a special Word from God, etc. First, Satan can counterfeit these gifts, as he masquarades as an angel of light. Second, the result can be that we are immediately lifted up in pride because of them- that’s our tendency! That’s our nature! Paul wrote those very words about standing and falling to the Corinthian church- and they were above everyone in spiritual gifts, but were lifted up in pride because of it. You need to test everything by the Word of God. You should study chapters 12, 13, and 14 of I Corinthians at length to get a good idea of the purpose and use of the gifts. Their purpose is for the edification, the building up of the church, not for personal use which especially leads to pride. Also read Ephesians chapter 4.
So embrace all that God is doing in your life! I marvel at what is going on with you and how God is molding you. I wonder how you’ll fare in little old cow-town Vermont when you come home for the summer. I’m hoping that you can strike up a conversation with Paul, the guy on the bike that wears all those uniforms, and get him to come to church!
I can’t wait to visit you and meet your friends. I hope you’ve warned them about me so they’ll be ready. Tell them to sharpen their knives, grease up their num-chucks, and generally get their weapons in order.
So here’s a little news… track practice is going great. I’ve been doing all the workouts. The other day was repeat 1000’s on a muddy sloppy field with a 30 mph wind- classic! Going to be a good team this year. And you can’t run??? What about the 5k? I might just have to KICK your butt!
The Jetta is DONE. After Lindsey got done smashing it, after you drove it within an inch of its life on a daily basis, it’s gone to the junkyard. Done. Finished. Kaput. We went to Boston last weekend and had a GREAT time visiting Lindsey. We went to her fancy coffee shop in Salem and saw several packs of witches roaming the streets. We knew if you were there, you would have cornered them, taken their broomsticks and given them the glorious gospel in return!
All for now. I miss your stubbly face!
Ya old pa
I really hope you are back from your solo wilderness adventure. You were very wise NOT to let me know about this but, alas, I found out on the other blogs. I’ve been waking up wondering what wild animal has you in it’s clutches. But most likely you had the wild animals in your clutches!
Hope you are back safe and as sound as possible!
LOVE mom
Joe, Keeping you and your bone healing in prayer, brother. Something tells me you will allow God to use that fracture for good. Bill O’