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Thoughts & Inspiration


         Well hello each and every one of ya, what is crackin’? To those of you in Vermont, how is the snowfall doing? I hear that the first accumulation wasn’t too long ago, and just to let you know I got sunburned yesterday. I actually like the weather these days; the mornings are great for running, the skies are crazy here, and the evaporation from the liquids on the ground due to the heat of the day is cause for comforting rainfall in the evenings, says meteorologist Joe Carter when looking at the storm tracker 36k.

         I have a quick question for all of you studious teachers out there; I am teaching on the past perfect progressive forms of sentences to Spanish-speaking students learning English, how do I do this? This is something that I am trying to figure out, but I have something really cool that I have just found out that I cannot wait to share with everyone. It has been on my heart to write about this all week for those of you who have not understood this subject or as a reminder to others.             

            What do you feel when you hear the word…SuBmIsSiOn…in the Bible? Do you cringe like I used to? Do you think of Colossians 3:18-22, which says, “Wives, submit to you husbands…?” What if a friend who’s a girl brings this up in conversation? I picture Rachael Ruggles, who is a friend and women’s rights activist, saying, “How can you believe the Bible if it is all about making women submit to their headstrong husbands who are to hold the most esteem in the household?” “It only pertains to the time period,” is probably what I would tell her with a little shame in my face. 

            HEY. There is a better response that I just recently learned from a book called, “Celebration of Discipline.” Ha, when I first heard of this old fashion, dusty title I thought of the old-style Puritans, Quakers, and those enthralled with the Nunnery. This is not a true assumption. It gives an answer to these people! Here is the text found in Colossians 3:18-22: “Wives, submit to your husbands, as it is fitting to the Lord. Husbands love your wives and do not be harsh with them.” So wives need to act lowly and submissive to whatever the husband commands and all the husband has to do is love his wife right? Lets read on: “Fathers, do not provoke your children…Masters, treat your slaves justly and fairly…Slaves, obey in everything those who are your earthly masters…”

This is what Richard Foster thinks about this: 

“What we fail to see is how much submission those commands demanded of the dominant partner in HIS (Paul’s) cultural setting. For a first century husband, father, or master to obey Paul’s injunction would make a dramatic difference in his behavior. The first Century wife, child, or slave would not need to change one whit to follow Paul’s command.” 

In Philippians 2:3 it says that if a husband truly loves his wife, living in consideration of her need will follow hand in hand. He will be willing to give into her, freeing him to see her needs as more important as his. This is also true with his children. Therefore, Paul is calling out husbands in a drastic way in regards to the time period where males were completely dominant. As men, we are to make all of our decisions through prayer and love for our wives because the Bible teaches us to do so. If we truly do this, when our wives submit to our decisions, they will not be out of selfish or detrimental motives. WHEW! What a relief this is to know that the Bible calls for equal submission rather than for a power hungry husband. There is more in the chapter about the limits of this submission, for the Bible does talk about this, because some decisions made by people aren’t of God. Read Acts 4:19-20 for an answer to this.

Man, I am wicked happy to finally have an answer to the women’s rights activists out there and I hope this clears things up for you if you were like me before I read this book.

I had a stellar week, teaching English went very well and I would like everyone to know that I am participating in, “No shave November,” so I am going to be bearded soon.

Adios amigos,

-Joe Carter