Hey, thanks for continuing to check in on me and encourage me with your comments. I read some of them like six times a day because it feels so good to know people are praying for me and that God is using my blogs to speak to you as well.
Well, I am going to fill you in on what it’s like in Ohio:

As far as people go, let me tell you a story. Okay, so I am studying my brains out for an exam when, for the first time after I wrote that blog about depression (about four weeks ago) a wave hits me. It reminds me of the storm with Jesus and his disciples. Feelings of helplessness grip me, but not hopelessness. I jump up from my chair and in jeans and moccasins I tear out of the building and run hard. I scream to God for help, for I know the death this storm strives for. I run to a waterfall in a park, two miles away. Here, in desperation, I praise God with everything I can muster. I praise him for his power and might and victory over sin and darkness. Do you know that song: “Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord…we will wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord?” Well I run back and sing this the whole way and from what I can remember I read a Church sign saying, “God is in control.” I put myself in the disciple’s shoes and decide to trust Jesus that the storm will pass without taking my life. I head back to the dorms and friends make me aware that a brother has been struggling with depression for a while. Immediately we pray for this friend and bust into his room and invite him to the play (The Miracle Worker), saying you are coming and we are buying your ticket! God uses our struggles.
Then, I tell my brothers of my current battle and they pray for me. I head to my room and all of the sudden I hear low, hushed voices. I stick my head out of my door to see mischievous young men running towards me. They all grab my limbs and with all their might, they carry me off and kidnap me to a couch to show me their love. I love my floor.
I eat with these men, talk like a pirate, play 5 on 5 basketball every Friday at 5, and we are all growing together. I have found such life here submitting my will to God’s. I am set free and my expressions of joy have seemed contagious. I notice that when we express joy, we see the same joy come back to us when we might not feel so joyous. God has me here for so many reasons and I am staying strong in my faith and am spreading the Good News with all of my heart. Praise God he has changed my life and set me free, God is awesome!
I hope it encourages you that I am staying strong and holding on to the truths everyone has shown me. Pray for our floor here in Rickard. I am praying for what God gives me a heart for and I know of two brothers who are doing the same (from PCBC) so don’t feel alone, you are being prayed for too.
Love Jose Carter