Hey my good friends and my fam, what’s life bringing to you these days? I always try and live life as it comes, it eliminates a lot of worry but right now I am pretty stressed, not going to lie. Life is excellent and God has been working in wild ways but today, a day of decisions and college essays, is stressing me out. Will you pray that I just rest in the Joy of knowing that I am headed to heaven some time, probably when I am 72. When I think of this truth, that someone died for me so they could give me life, the choice of a college next year seems a lot less…well…like a terrible, aweful thing. Enough about me and being an Ophelia (Hamlet lovers, anyone?), what is the United Sates up to? I hear Obama has decided to not give money to other countries and that everyone with recieve like 3 or 4 g’s? Crazy if that happens, people have been talking about it here in Nicaragua, about how the U.S. is going to stop supporting them. It’s alright because my teammates and I are spreading the love of Jesus around so t’sall good in da hood.
Man, it is such a joy to strive and to be in God’s will. John 6:32 says, “I tell you the truth, it is not Moses who has given you the bread from heaven, but it is my father who gives you the true bread from heaven.” After Jesus says this, a crowd declares, “from now on give us this bread.” What is this bread? Jesus answers, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.” This is a promise to us that if we follow Jesus, we will be filled! Another great truth in the Bible is found later in verse 37, “whoever comes to me I will never drive away.” I love this because it gives love to us all, offers the gift of spending eternity in bliss openly, we just need to believe and follow. In verse 45 it says, “I tell you the truth, he who believes in me has everlasting life.” In addition, Bill O’Neil my brotha from anotha mutha, “He Is able!” My life here has been a constant drive to trust God in all things and trust that he is able to do alll things–especially healing. God offers all kinds of gifts for those who have faith and I have been having, as crazy as it sounds, like images in my head as to what to do during prayer and I have been praying that I trust what God is trying to tell me. Not too long ago I had a vision of myself going into a local Bario and this vision has bloomed into my childrens Bario ministry that is going to be a focus of mine this semester. A lot of these images come during our prayer in our new, “Prayer House.” I can’t even begin to tell you the victories that occur in this little, abandoned house in our back yard. A brother has spoken that it is a place of refuge for him and this morning, I wrote a college essay with God’s help in there.
Ministries are swirling around everywhere and I can’t wait to begin! This is our first week of going into our regular schedule. Tomorrow I am teaching my first ESL (English as a Second Language) class for beginners from all over our neighborhood. I told Sarah and Jennifer (my partners in this) about what you said Mr. Kessler about how when you teach a class you put up a Bible verse each day without reference and you don’t talk about it. We are going to be doing this, I think it’s a sweet Idea. Oh, and Seth Barnes, our new leader, and I are going to have a royal rumble soon. He wears thong sandals and told me of a pedicure he got last year in Nicaragua. I will try and defeat this abomination against all that is good and true in this world. Mmm, this is really nice, I am listening to last weeks music and sermon Podcast. Man, it makes me miss the very fine men and women of Panton Community Baptist Church. Jeeze, Mrs. Rood, your voice sounds like shaniah twain right now or someone pro like that, awesome. I am singing with you guys in my head right now, “Open the eyes of my heart lord…” very excellent. Oh, Keith Darwin, there is that truly manly voice, I heard you say, “Just the ladies.” Worship is so cool because we can proclaim our love for our creator in a way that he loves. It often is a way that I thank him for his unfailing love for us all.
Well, pray for me, please–that I can learn each day how to better follow God’s voice, seriously. I will pray that God takes care of our church financially and that he rise up followers of his voice too. AAAH, almost forgot, Mrs. Marshall something great happened to me the other day in my quiet time. I saw this really cool bird that had dark blue wings and a light blue body–and then one followed the other, there were two–It reminded me of what we talked about the other day and I think this realization was for you. How is Nonie doing these days, I hear she’s getting better each day? I am sure she is. Just to let you guys know, Patrick went to his first ever Church service and Bible study and God definately took him from the life he knew and into the world God wanted him to be into. I believe that God has a special plans for Patricks life, once a drug addict and a loner, he now is at a Christian rehab center. He is the first American ever to go, and he knows little Spanish. Please pray that he will let God carry him through this, rather than carry the burden of recovering from years of a cigarette addiction by himself. If you are reading this and you are carrying burdens by yo’ self, dont doo it, let Jesus satisfy you with his love. I have more to say, but I don’t want to write a novel soo… well, peace out, listen to God, drive fast and take chances, don’t care what people think about you, and vote Bob Dole.
Thanks for reading and for your support, it makes me want to eat mangos and do a tango,
-Jose Carter
Mango… tango… WHAAAT?! Dude… get that beautiful head of yours checked… digging the freshly grown hair as well. I’m sorry I missed you today. I was on Tana’s msn and got to see becca and annie and jenn and ames and spitler. 🙁 I was like… ‘where’s Joe’… but you weren’t there. sad… sad.
Piece out brotha from anotha motha.
Joe, Joe,
You had me at “hello my good friends…”
and lost me at “drive fast”
Maria either covered for you or you were a really good driver that day.
Any way, just want to say that I can understand your stress about college and such things, but I also truly believe and trust that you are in God’s hands, and there is no better place to be. SO just do your best, use your talents and he will lead you to where he wants you.
Howdy Joe, Isn’t that podcast thingy great? Way to go Mr. Robinson. I have directed people to it to open their ears to the Lord. And it keeps you connected to your church family. Muy bueno! And I have to ask this – is that photo you have up there on this page just you guys posing, you know, grabbing the tools from hard workin’ guys for the photo-op for your peeps back home? And why to I think that place had a roof on it before you started the project? Hey, just trying to keep that accountability situation in gear, brother.
And for Patrick who you talk of who is in recovery and is new in Christ, “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.” Ro. 8:1-2 And, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me— put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” Phil. 4:8-9
May God continue to bless you!
Bill O’
Joe – you inspire me to pray with more faith.
and just to pray more.
What an exciting place to be, where you know God can use you everyday, every hour, every minute. Even shoveling can be done for the glory of the Most High. (for me, even laundry) Even writing a college essay.
And about that – John got his acceptance letter to Moody (woo hoo!) so you keep it up. God will show you where he wants you to be next year.
-your motha from anotha brotha
Mrs. R
Joe, I am so excited about the way you are letting the God of all Creation use you. What an exciting time in your life where you are totally relying on HIM.
I hate to admit it butI have been relying on myself a lot lately and its just not working. Today I decided to ask the Lord how to handle a particular situation and HE FIXED IT!! Why did I wait?. Exciting to read about the beautiful bird that he gave you eyes to see.
I got a valentine from your Grandmother Jeanette the other day and today one from your Mom. I really needed that, I praise God for both of those wonderful ladies. Hopeing to spend some time with your Grandmother when next she comes to VT. The Mts. are so beautiful, at sunset they are hot pink, you know how that works, the beautiful afterglow of sunshine. The snow is melting rather fast, but I know more will come soon. Its only Feb. God bless you sweet boy and thanks for coming to have cookies and tea. I love you and am so proud to call you my friend. Love Mrs. M